Newent was a huge success

December 2023

Our Very First Fluid Art Event

Our very first fluid art event was held in Newent, a market town and civil parish in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire. We truly were overwhelmed by the positive feedback following this event, we just knew that we couldn’t stop there.

It was wonderful to meet so many people, some who were complete beginners to fluid art and others who were seasoned pro’s, many of which had traveled far and wide to be there. It was great to finally put faces to names, where previous communications were limited to social media platforms, a sad reality in today’s world. Our aim was to bring like minded people together to create a new fluid art community, the basis of which we could grow and expand through other events. 

The day itself was crammed packed full of workshops from Pearl Pours by Julie Vatcher, Bloom Demonstrations by Monique Oliver and Flip Cup Landscapes by Chris Schneider. We hardly had time to draw breath, sit down and get to know people, which is something we want to expand on in our next fluid art retreat at Sandyholme in Dorset next October. Workshops were run back to back, with a short lunch break and an artists panel in the late afternoon, where people could ask questions about anything related to the life of an artist.

We learnt many things from our first event and moving forward, our primary aim is to spend time with those who attend. Fluid art may look easy from videos on YouTube but the reality is that attending workshops can really save hours of heartache and money spent on equipment that really isn’t needed. Having a firm grounding in the basics is essential to becoming more confident in the more challenging techniques.

If you are looking for a new creative outlet in 2024, fluid art can be challenging and rewarding. By coming together, new friendships can be established where people can share their art, learn from one another and have a great deal of fun!

"Brilliant stuff, thanks to all of you for all your effort, time, and sharing of knowledge- it was fab to meet you and all the other artists too!"
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