Fluid Art, the growing art form thats accessible for everyone

October 23

Fluid Art - taking the UK by storm

Fluid Art, the growing art form thats accessible for everyone has been taking the UK by storm, growing steadily over the past few years. An art form which is accessible to anyone who wants to tap into their creative side, or for someone who simply wants to ‘have a go’, with no drawing skills needed it really is possible with a little guidance from an expert, for a complete novice to create something beautiful.

Fluid Art uses ways of layering a chosen selection of acrylic paint colours mixed with various substances called pouring mediums into a cup and poured, swirled or quite literally thrown onto a canvas. The canvas is then tilted in various directions to tilt excess paint off and form a pleasing composition. It takes practice, a lot of patience and a certain amount of tenacity to keep going after failed attempts. An understanding of colour theory and paint densities only come with time spent mastering what seems like endless techniques that this addictive art form offers. From the basic ‘Flip Cup’, or ‘Straight Pour’ to more advanced techniques such as ‘Pearl Pours’ or the ‘Dutch Pour’, made famous by Rinske Douna, there really is satisfaction to be found in producing a piece of art with magical effects.

At UK Fluid Art Events we love to spend time with people, teaching the many techniques on offer. By holding various Art Retreats throughout the UK we can slow things down and really spend time with people, to iron out difficulties, discover new possibilities and have a lot of fun in the process.

Fluid Art promises to reward you with an escapism from the many circumstances that crop up in life to give us lemons. Without knowing it, many have said that a few hours spent mixing and pouring paint has given a much needed mental rest from current stresses and worries.

It truly amazes us that the apparent magic of fluid art just keeps on surprising and producing one off art works that can never be copied.

"Fluid art is complete escapism from other pressures life brings"

Simple techniques give beautiful effects

From the basic ‘Flip Cup’, or ‘Straight Pour’ to more advanced techniques such as ‘Pearl Pours’ or the ‘Dutch Pour’, made famous by Rinske Douna, there really is satisfaction to be found in producing a piece of art with magical effects.

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